Monday, November 24, 2008

Manic Mondays

Being a born in the 70s meant growing up in the 80s! I love 80s music! Growing up I liked the song by the Bangles "Manic Monday". That is how my house felt today. I'm not sure about anyone else's kids but mine have been so hyper the last month. Is this a sign of how they are going to be closer to Christmas? Will they be even more hyper?? I'm excited about getting to see some family this week but the packing is making it even more manic! I probably should have come home after dropping the girls off at their respective schools. It was nice to have a morning free to run errands, etc. At least I accomplished something even if it wasn't anything here at home!

Friday, November 21, 2008


Happy Friday! I love Fridays. Even though I haven't completed all of the things I need to do around the house this week, I feel like I can breathe, relax a little. The girls are WOUND UP after getting home from they are right now. At least I don't have to try to calm them down to get homework done, eat dinner and be off to an activity depending on what night it is. I may have to calm them down for my sanity though. I guess they have bottled up so much energy all day, they are letting it all out now. As usual, jackets, backpacks, shoes lay around waiting to be put away. I know I will miss the noise level and items all over the floor..............Hope you enjoy your weekend, noisy or quiet!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

WELCOME! I have enjoyed reading blogs for over a year now. My husband would tell you I find others' lives more interesting. I do find comfort that many of you go through what I deal with as a woman, wife & mother. I laugh with you, not at you 8-). Just thought maybe this would be way to journal my life. Might be good therapy too!

Thanks for stopping by!